Shepherd's Staff, Christian ratings of computer gamesStore

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Everett Kaser Software

Josh's World



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TigerDirect Clearance Center

Family Friendly Titles from our community of developers


The word game with zip! Find words or make words by scrolling rows and columns! Be quick letters pop off faster & faster. Use power words & gems. Watch out for rust, stitches & rips! Feed the mouse with cheese. Synergistic, exciting game play!

Library of the Ages is a puzzle game of sorting ancient books into runs and sets before time runs out. Listen to masterpieces of classical music and take in the top-notch rendered graphics as you play, but beware: the pace quickens as your candle burns away, and the challenge builds from level to level! Persevere and you will indeed become a true scholar!

Buy Library of the Ages  

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Choose 12 Christian Music CDs here for the price of only 1!  Only 48 to choose from but you can select some at a later time when you can see their whole catalog.  Note, they do charging shipping PER CD.










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